Legal Service Referal
We recommend that any parent involved in supervised visitation, including both the custodial and the visiting parent, seek legal advisement. Resources we recommend include:
Legal Shield. For approx. $30 per month you can speak with a lawyer about your case up to five times a week and they will also review your legal documents, a phenomenal deal. Please list account associate number #127200897 as your referral in your application. 1-866-470-1694
For domestic violence victims: Call the National Domestic Violence Hotline 800.799.SAFE (7233) for referral to a local center with free legal advisement such as WEAVE, My Sister's House, etc.
Domestic Violence and Sexual Abuse:
- for local lawyer reviews
Therapeutic Visits Referal
The following qualified professionals are known to be actively practicing in the area of therapeutic supervised visitation, but we don't have specific experience with or any relationship with these individuals.
Stephanie Stilley: +19169239300
Timothy Rood, LMFT: +19168047334
Recommended Parenting Books and Classes
"How to Talk so Kids Will Listen and How to Listen so Kids Will Talk"
"Simplicity Parenting"
"The Attachment Parenting Book"
- Course discounts are available for CalFresh recipients.
For domestic violence victims: Call the National Domestic Violence Hotline 800.799.SAFE (7233) for possible referral to a local center with free parenting classes